FEL'19 Abstract Submission

The submission of abstracts will be possible from March 18, 2019.
The deadline for abstract submission is May 19, 2019.

Log into the FEL 19 SPMS server to submit an abstract.

Once logged in, the abstract can be submitted by clicking on the Submit A New Abstract link.
Please do not forget to check that the data in your JACoW profile is up to date, especially your e-mail address and affiliation.

Guidelines and Instructions

Abstract Title
Enter the title of the contribution using initial capital letters, for example, “This is a Paper Title in Initial Capital Letters”.

Presentation Type
The default for all contributions that are not invited oral presentations is "Poster". The Scientific Programme Committee will select contributions for contributed oral presentation.

Classification of Abstracts
All contributions are grouped by classifications. Authors are reminded that it is their responsibility to properly classify their abstracts to ensure that, if accepted for presentation, the paper is properly placed within the conference program.

Abstract Text
An abstract is a concise summary of a paper. It should describe the paper and include a statement of the issue, research methods, and significant findings. Abstracts should be written as one continuous paragraph (carriage returns are not allowed). Please do not enter symbols, superscripts or subscripts. Also, equations and footnotes are not acceptable within the body of abstracts and will be removed by the proceedings editor. Note that footnotes and references to funding agencies may be entered in their designated fields (see below).
Abstract text should not exceed 1200 characters.

Footnotes/Funding Agency
Footnotes should not exceed 200 characters. Please enter here your reference to funding agencies etc.
This is not the place to enter co-authors. You will have the opportunity to enter co-authors on the next page.

Once the abstract submission is complete, hit "Submit".

Abstract Editing/Entry of Co-authors
After having "submitted" the abstract, a new window allows authors to print, edit, withdraw, and also to enter co-authors and designate their roles:


  • primary/submitting authors
  • presenter/speaker (the person who would give the talk or who will present the poster),
  • co-author

It is also possible to assign multiple affiliations to authors and to remove authors.
Note that when you enter co-authors, the JACoW SPMS system will search to see whether a profile/account already exists for the co-author. If it does not, you will have to create a profile for them. Please be extremely careful with your data entry as this profile will be added to the JACoW repository. Co-authors properly entered in the SPMS will thus appear in the list of co-authors, which will be included in the abstract booklet and in the author index of the proceedings.
If a paper is selected for oral presentation, the role “presenter” automatically becomes “speaker”. The roles thus assigned are used to generate the sort order for co-authors in the table of contents. The names of primary/submitting authors appear first, followed in alphabetical order by co-authors with the same affiliation. Co-authors from other affiliations are grouped by affiliation, in alphabetical order.

Always click on Update to save changes.

You can log in to the FEL'19 database and make changes to your abstract and author information at any time before the submission deadline (May 19, 2019).

Please contact Michaela Marx if you have questions or difficulties submitting your abstract.

Last update: February 21, 2019
